Monday, October 09, 2006

All by myself....

Don't have to be...all by myself...anymore....

That's what I've been singing for the past 24 hours or so, since I left the New Jersey Romance Writer's "Put Your Heart In a Book" Conference. As I'm a writer, it should be relatively easy for me to use those, you know - word things, to perfectly describe my feelings. However, as is wont to happen often after being so incredibly overwhelmed, I'm having a very hard time figuring out exactly what to say to explain how I'm feeling.

You see, to say that I had a great time would be the worst type of understatement.
To say that I enjoyed meeting old friends would be sound trite.
To say that I was blown away by how welcoming everyone was would be putting it mildly.
To say that I can't imagine anyone being more gracious and classy than Jennifer Crusie would just not be enough.

We'll start off with Jenny Crusie. She was sick. Yes, I mean she was literally sick, still. She has the worst kind of cold, with sniffles and all. She still managed to look absolutely beautiful the entire time. Her wit and charm continue to astound me. She gave the Keynote address with Bob Mayer, and it had most of their CherryBombs trying to quell the giggles. She also did a talk with Sister Krissie/Anne Stuart, that was totally hysterical. Well, the talk wasn't hysterical, but it was funny watching them play off of each other, and it was heartwarming to see them interact. Then there was the "YEX and Violence" talk, featuring Jenny and Bob. I really wanted to see this one. I'd been looking forward to it for months, actually. It was a big part of why I went to the conference. But, as luck would have it, I was scheduled to volunteer in the "Waiting Room" for people getting ready for the editor/agent appointments. Bummer, huh? So I set my phone alarm (to vibrate) so that I wouldn't be late. Well, wouldn't you know that the damn thing did NOT vibrate, but went off in loud and annoying peals, as Jenny was speaking? It did, and I was mortified. I mean, how rude is it to the presenters to hear a cell phone during their presentations? Really rude, that's me. It was an accident though, so I reached for it as fast as I could. Which was, of course, not nearly fast enough, because Jenny asked whose cell it was, and then she saw me, and made it known to everyone that "Oh, it's dee." Frankly, I didn't really hear anything else, as I waited and prayed for a hole to open up and swallow me as I grabbed my bag, apologized profusely, and ran from the room. Frankly, I'm still mortified, especially after having half the people in the room repeat Jenny's comment about me getting kicked off the island. Jenny, if you're reading this (AS IF!!), I can not apologize enough. Really, I can't. But all's well, as she was so incredibly gracious and generous later that same day, while at the Book Signing. She took pictures, and smiled, and even told Bob to give us their wine (yeah, we drank wine from Jenny and Bob, how freakin cool is that?). So, once again, Jenny has proven that she deserves to be at the very top of this writer's list of people that I want to be like when I grow up. Because, well, she totally rocks, that's why.

Christine Bush did the "Welcome" talk for the newbies. I was there, as were Penny and Robin S, from the CBs. Honestly, there were times during that talk that I was moved to tears. Christine was so welcoming, so helpful, that it was just overwhelming. She really is another class act, and I feel very lucky to have met her.

I have a list of some of the people that really blew me away, and on the top of that list are Michelle Cunnah and Lani Diane Rich. I was sitting outside with my friend Kim, and I noticed two women across the way, talking to someone else. I have no idea what made me feel like they were familiar, but that's how I felt. So I asked who they were. Wouldn't you know that it was Lani Diane Rich and Michelle Cunnah, from the Literary Chicks? Well, it was. And wow, can that Lani give a hug! She recognized my name, I guess from all of the totally un-original and very boring comments I make on their blog, and she grabbed me and hugged me. I had to introduce her to Kim, because Lani wrote a line in one of her books that Kim says all the time, and it was just really cool to introduce them. It went something like,"Kim, this is the one that wrote that line that you say all the time" and Lani saying something like "You quote me?" and Kim admitting that yes, she does. Michelle just stood watching this whole thing, and Lani finally introduced her, and MAN, is Michelle just cute as a freakin button! I ended up running into Michelle fairly often, and she was just so friendly every single time. Michelle is actually a really cool person, and made me feel pretty at ease every time we saw each other, which is incredible, because hey, she's Michelle freakin Cunnah, you know? (ok, so I had way more than a few fan girl squeeeeee moments this weekend!)

Overall, this conference was exactly what I needed. My CB friends are great, and I love them for the encouragement and support that they show me. My critique group is amazing, and I am already learning so much from them. However, going to NJ, being around so many published writers, and so many just starting out writers, it was eye-opening. I am lucky enough to belong to an organization full of amazingly talented women, that consider it a calling to help those of us that are just getting started. The advice and encouragement that were handed out made me feel part of something very big, and very special. I told my husband that even if I hadn't known it before, I know now that I really want to be a romance writer, because I really have to be one of those women. After this weekend, I no longer feel like I'm "all by myself" with my writing. I know that there are women out there that want me to succeed, and that they will be willing to help if I ever get up the nerve to ask. Also, I know that I belong, thanks to the urging to join RWA, to an organization that is there to support me and help me reach my goals.

Truly, my cup runneth over.

(I know that I haven't really mentioned the CBs. I've talked about all of the famous people, and the organization, and the conference. There's a very simple reason for that - I want you to understand that for me, there is a world of difference between meeting famous authors and meeting the CBs. While I am still all starry eyed at bumping elbows with those fabulous people, my heart is overflowing with love for my friends, and I just feel it would not do them justice to be mentioned with other people. That's why there will be a follow-on post, that details the more personal and private moments that I shared with the most incredibly special people in the world: RobinS, McB, Jen-T, Penny, and Sheryl. Stay tuned, will ya?)


Keziah Fenton said...

You are INCREDIBLE, woman. I enjoyed our special time swimming, even though I almost drowned over the mom question.
: )

Your friend Kim is wonderful. Please tell her she's one of us now.

Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

Okay what is the mom question, asks the mom?

I concur on the INCREDIBLE woman. I loved our time together. You are amazing. I am proud to call you my friend.

That was a great report on the women you met. They were terrific weren't they?

Loved Kim. She fit right in.

McB said...

Kiddo, I really felt for you when I heard your phone ring. Having driven to NJ and shared a room with you I recognized that ring tone right away. Fortunately Jenny, being the classy lady that she is, turned it into a funny moment. And you know, I bet a lot of people in that room were turning green because Jenny Crusie knows YOUR name. How cool is that.

I just want to say that watching you blossom this weekend was such a joy. You were so in your element and I know this was just what you needed to start taking yourself more seriously.

Now go write that book.

JT said...

I'm very glad we had the chance to meet. I just wish I had more time to spend with all of you. You are one special lady.

Anonymous said...


It was such a delight to meet you and spend time with you, too. You are one classy lady. Roll on the next year until we meet again at the next New Jersey conference!

rssasrb said...

Dee you captured the feelings of meeting these great writers so well. And there's something wrong with that sentence but I know you understand what I meant. 'cause I've met you and I'm just going to repeat what's already been said because it's the right word. You're incredible. And Kim is so much fun and so funny.

I want you in the 'waiting room' ('holding room' 'freaking with nerves room' whatever)everytime I'm waiting to pitch. You helped. You really did.

The phone I think everyone identified with you because that's probably happened to most of us. And MCB is right. Jenny knew your name. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Yeah--and Michelle READ YOUR BLOG!!!! Too cool, girl! I gotta go to one of those conferences...