Thursday, March 08, 2007


Walking on air. Breathing sunshine. Sleeping on a cloud. Tap dancing in the stars. Floating through space. That's how I feel right now.

I got to witness another miracle early this morning, and I'm still high on life. I've got tears coursing down my cheeks, I can hardly see, my heart feels like it's beating an African drum rhythm in my chest. Yes, LIFE is good! It's beautiful, really.

I have some friends that have had some pretty rough days lately. Gone through losses. Had heartache happen. Felt like their very souls were stomped on. And, me being who I am, I've felt those things right along with them.

But you know, dawn always follows the darkest night. That's a lesson I re-learned recently, and I even blogged about it. But, as with most lessons, sometimes it takes me a bit to remember it when I need it most.

I got to witness a birth this morning. That explains my euphoria, doesn't it? Have you ever been to a birth, besides the day YOU made an appearance in the world? And I have to say here, if you're thinking of when you gave birth to your children, that doesn't count either. Have you ever been in the room, been standing next to, or helping, a woman bring life into this world? Have you ever been able to hold her hand through a contraction, remind her to breathe, gently push the hair from her eyes, help her hold her legs when it came time to push, whisper encouragement into her ear, have her so focussed on you and your voice that you actually feel like you are the only link between this world and the one where the pain is taking over? Have you ever been there to see that tiny little head emerge, see that sweet little body slip out into those waiting arms, watch the face of the momma as she glimpses that baby for the very first time?

It. Is. Something.

I cant describe it. I am too overwhelmed, still, 10 hours later, to even attempt to be truly coherent.

My friend gave birth shortly after midnight this morning. Her husband was there to help her. So was I. She is an AMAZING woman, and she did an INCREDIBLE thing. She brought her baby into the world with no drugs, no intervention, only her man at her side, and my voice reminding her that it would be over soon. I feel honored that I got to share such a miracle with their family. I feel blown away to have seen, yet again, the miracle of birth. I think of her strength, and courage, and determination, and I am in awe. Today, she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Today, I was given a reminder that LIFE, in all of its wonderful glory, has a way of soothing the troubles and pains of this mean, cruel world. Today, I woke from the darkness of the night and saw a beautiful, bright dawn.

Thank you.


Chari-Dee said...

beautiful post babe, I think I needed to read it. Luvs

amy said...

Doula-ing is definitely an art. I haven't had the privilege of coaching anyone through a birth, but my husband was there for both of our kids' births. The first was natural, and after that he told everyone that's the day he knew without a doubt I could kick his a**. :) The second was an emergency c-section, and he saw that, too (and wishes he hadn't gotten quite as much view of the actual procedure as he had).

As for knitting, dee, I taught myself with the help of books and phone calls to my sister (and one in-person check on my progress). Everyone in my family crocheted. My sister learned to knit from a college roommate. It's a lovely community. If you're really interested, most yarn stores offer classes. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee ( is also a doula, I believe. And a knitter. Which makes her a double-good person. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, dee. How wonderful

Michelle said...

Oh, that's awesome, Dee! I'm calling you next time. :)

dee said...

I'd be right there with you, Michelle. It's really one of the best things in this world. I can't even explain it. Just a wonderful, wonderful feeling.

Cherry Red said...

Well, I cried like a baby watching my dog have her puppies. I can only imagine how much more emotional it would be helping a woman give birth to a human baby after hours and hours and hours of labor. Hugs to you for being such a good friend!

Anonymous said...

I have an email link up at the top of Paris Breakfasts..