Thursday, August 31, 2006

Let's Review, shall we?

Do you see the date on this blog? Now go down to the last blog and check the date on that one. Do you see the problem??? If you notice, it's been FOREVER since I've blogged, and I have so much to tell you all!! So, in no particular order...
Dee's week(s) in review:

I got together with some CHERRYBOMB friends in Washington DC recently! Shane drove me up there on the motorcycle, and I spent the day bumming around the city waiting for Christina (MargaritaCB) and Bryan. If you know me, you know that 'bumming around' roughly translates to "found a bookstore with a Starbucks and enjoyed a good book for most of the day". Bryan finally finished photographing various monuments and met up with me. We hung out at the Old Post Office, then met up with Christina and Shane at the ESPNZone. Bryan is an incredibly talented photgrapher, and a pretty darn good writer as well. He let us read part of his WIP and it was very promising. I can hardly wait until it is finished and published. Seeing Christina again was like running into one of your best buds. We talk all the time on the He Wrote/She Wrote blog, and we e-mail back and forth, but it was still AMAZING to see her again in person. She is one of the funnest people I know. Shane was an angel to let us sit and 'talk shop' most of the night. I think we only bored him half to death, but he never complained. I love my husband!!

We got our house rented!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! Now, we will no longer have those horrendous double mortgage payments that we've had for half of forever. This is such a HUGE relief to us, I can't even begin to explain it. The renters move in this weekend. Of course, that means that we've been super busy getting things ready over there, and we are both so lacking in sleep that we look like something out of "Night of the Living Dead". But hey, We Got Our House Rented. So really, who cares how we look!!

My friend Renee finished her first chemo treatment. She was amazing, of course. She had no side effects this time, and her hair is still hanging on. So, I still have my hair as well. I figure hers will probably fall out right before the New Jersery convention, and that's when I'll shave mine. I'm ready for it. Actually, mine has already grown out a bit from the pic in the last blog, and I've already thought about getting it trimmed. But that's another story. Please keep Renee and her family in your prayers, and I promise to keep all of you up-to-date on how she is doing. She's just such an inspiration to me that I can't help but tell you about her.

We're finally having Gret's boyfriend and family over for dinner this weekend. We were supposed to have them over a few weeks back, but schedules were rough to manage. This is the big weekend. Shane is frying turkies, Gret is baking pies, and I am going to enjoy watching it all play out. I will take lots of notes and find a way to write it into one of my WIPs, I'm sure.

I moved to nights at work. This was supposed to help in a few ways. I wanted to be home with the kids during the day, because we're starting back to school now. We have to be more structured this year, because Gret is starting high school and I need to keep track of everything she does. Also, while on days, I was having a very hard time writing, because I'm such a night person. So moving to nights should have helped me, since in theory, I could come home and write when the house is quiet. So much for plans, huh? Being on nights SUCKS. I can not tell you how much it sucks, that's how much it sucks. The people on nights are very lazy, and that is sooooo frustrating for me. Plus, while I am supposed to be off at 1030, I don't normally make it home before midnight. Yes, my mind is usually still sharp, but my body is aching by that time. If I do manage to stay up and write, then I sleep until around 9am, and that takes away from time with the kids. I still haven't figured out exactly what I'm going to do yet. I think that September will be my last month working, because I really want to be home, and be productive, and WRITE, and I can't seem to manage all three while working 4 or 5 days a week and homeschooling the kids. Something has got to give, and soon. Frankly, if it's not the job, it just might be me.

There's more, you know there is. But really, I have to think about the fact that all of this probably isn't all that interesting to you guys. Plus, I could be putting all of this energy into my WIP, and that is a very tantalizing thought. Besides, do you really want to know that I missed Jordan when she went to New Hampshire for TEN FREAKING DAYS? Do you want to know that Gret hugged me the other day FOR NO REASON and made me CRY? Do you want to know that we had Kel's kids FOR A WEEK, and I didn't want to give them back when it was time?

Nah, I didn't think you really wanted to know all that. That's why I stopped when I did!


Chari-Dee said...

I wanted to know and I am so glad to see a new post you have no idea. (I just typed pist and I found that extremely funny). Glad to see you back in bloggerland!!!!


Cherry Red said...

I wanted to know too! Wow, you have been busy. I've missed you Dee. Hang in there with the writing. I know EXACTLY how you feel. In fact, I just blogged about it a little tonight.

So gad you're back!


dee said...

Geez, you guys are QUICK on the draw. i didn't even get to bed yet.
You're both so very sweet. You have no idea how much I've missed you too. I just want to spend a few hours a day at my computer on my WIP, ya know? I don't want to do all that other stuff. I think, if I could just get this story out, I could work on it and make it pretty good. I just want to FINISH one, to prove to myself that I CAN. Then we'll see what happens. Geez, if only I could find a way to add a few hours to each day, and tag them as "WRITING TIME".

Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

Dee, I have been so worried about you. I wanted to know all those things too. How's Kelly? How are your kids?

Shane was great to drive you to DC so that you could meet Bryan and Christina. I am glad you had a good time. You deserve it.

If it is coming to a point where it is all the stress or you, than you get rid of what is causing all the stress. Soounds like that job needs to go. I'll buy you a couple of drinks in New Jersey and we can talk about all this.
Or not. /,D

Take care

dee said...

Thanks so much. You have no idea how nice it is to log on here and hear a few kind words. I just love you people!!
Shane is a doll, and I can't say enough good things about him.
I'm looking forward to NJ and to October in general. I already told them that I'm not working at all in October. They weren't all that happy. Shane told me yesterday that I shouldn't go back in November if I don't want to. I haven't decided yet, but I'm really leaning towards NOT. We'll see how I'm feeling then.
I can't wait for those drinks in Jersey!!

Anonymous said...

Dee hey! For some reason I couldn't find your blog from the computer at home ... don't know what that's about. But glad to see everything is good with you if hectic. We have been missing you around the blog.

Congrats on renting the house!! That ought to help a lot and maybe the job won't be necessary past September, hmmm?

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait until NJ!!!! Give me a shout about when we're leaving, will you? As Penny pointed out to me recently its only 5 weeks ... well less than that now. Wheeee!!

JT said...

Dee - Sounds like you had a blast in DC - can't wait to see you in NJ!