Tuesday, August 01, 2006

She's freakin' everywhere, Dudes!!

Ok, if you are any type of a regular here (do I even HAVE any regs, besides Char and Kel?) then you already know how much I luv novelist Joshilyn Jackson. If you will recall, I drove all the way to Charlotte freakin North Car-o-lina just to hear her speak and sign a few books. Yes, I bought FIVE new books, and YES, I spent a LOT of money on that trip. But you will also recall that I firmly believe it was worth every single little penny. If you can't remember WHY it was so worth it, check out this blog entry right here. You may also remember that Joshilyn Jackson actually put a pic of ME on HER totally cool website, "Faster Than Kudzu". If you don't remember it, then click here and check it out. Yes, it's the same pic, but it's on a whole other site, and her site is so very very much cooler than this one. Joshilyn is the hot chick, in case you were having trouble telling us apart. I thought I really made the big time when I saw my pic there. Even a few of you made comments.

Joshilyn writes incredible books about extraordinary women. I've reviewed both of them. Her newest book is Between, Georgia. It is amazing, and I totally loved it, as you can tell by reading my review. The book was full of light and truth, and it just made my head swim. I never wanted it to end. But I'm actually glad it did. If it hadn't, then I never would have read the miracle that is Joshilyn's first book, gods In Alabama. I cried when this book was over, because- well, because it was over. I never wanted the story to end. I wanted it to go on forever and ever and ever. It just sucked me up and strapped me in for such an amazingly wonderful ride! If you don't believe how much I gushed about it, check out my review here.

Now I take every chance I can get to rave about Joshilyn's books, because they are - well, "great" is just too lame to describe them, but I hope you know what I mean. I've taken to buying them for friends instead of loaning mine out, even though I have a spare loaner copy, and my signed copy is in a place of honor (right next to my signed Crusie WTT) on my writing shrine. I just don't think these books should be loaned. They should be OWNED. And I've made it my mission to make sure that all of my closest and dearest own at least one of Joshilyn's books. I bought Char copies and had Joshilyn sign them. I also got a signed copy of gods for my friend Kim. I just bought Kel Between, after she devoured and raved about gods.

So why all this talk about Joshilyn today, you ask? Well, she is currently the Guest Blogger of the Month over at one of my very favorite sites, the Literary Chicks (affectionately known as the LC to us cool people!). She will be there this month (August). It's really almost too much for me to handle. I mean, I just read on the LC that Joshilyn is friends with Lani Diane Rich, one of my MUST READ authors. That is just way so cool, and it makes me realize that this writing world is rather small, really.

Cruise on over to the LC and check out Joshilyn's intro post. Keep checking back throughout the month. See, this month, I'm loving life. I get Joss AND the LC, combined. It's like one of those "Your peanut butter is on my chocolate" moments that life occasionally tosses you when you have been very very good. This month, that is all me. Joss is the peanut butter, the LC is the chocolate, and I am totally eating up the combination.

And on the very off chance that Joshilyn would ever visit this site and see this post, I just want to say that I am totally not a crazy stalker fan, ok? I mean, I've been on the LC for MONTHS, really. Actually, I've been an Alesia fan for a while, and she brought me to the LC. Before I even heard of YOU or FTK. So I promise I'm not like, stalking you all over the internet, ok? And I won't even bother you on that cruise thing, because that would be just rude. But Dude, I so totally love your work. And your attitude. And your voice on the audio book. And well, you really are pretty, you know? But hey, I am NOT a stalker, ok?

ALMOST FORGOT: Joshilyn will be participating in a Barnes and Noble online book discussion for Between, Georgia. It starts August 7. You can sign up for free. Her agent had a big hand in getting this stuff rolling, and Joshilyn seems really psyched about it. Surf over to B&N and register, then join in on the discussions, ok?


Chari-Dee said...

Absolutely NOT a stalker, lol. I finished gods and will be posting a review very soon (yeah, was gonna to it today but.....) and have started Between. If things ever slow down a bit here, I just may get to those reviews.

And Dee not only got me the signed books, but this totally fab purse. As soon as I have all my stugg hooked into this new puter I will post a pic of it. Dee is too sweet, and every one comments on my purse when I am carrying it. They just love it.

Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

Me. Me. Me. I wanna be a regular too. I thought I was. I lurk a lot and comment some so doesn't that make me a regular, besides being a total computer illiterate or blogger illiterate? /,D

Love your posts Dee. I haven't read any of Ms. Jackson's books yet but I will when I finish the approximately 30 books I have sitting here to read, including some of Alesia's. It is hard to read for any length of time when my eye is "good" and harder with the eye patch but I do.

I love Lani's books too. We had brunch with her in Toronto and then went to her talk which was a riot but also filled with very helpful information.

Still love you Dee.