Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Why I LOVE me some Werewolves!!

My friend Robin LaFevers (yeah, I just love saying "my friend" when it is followed by the name of a fabulous writer!!) has a book coming out on the 17th called Werewolf Rising. Robin writes books geared towards boys aged 8-14ish. Both of my guys (ages almost 12 and 9) LOVE her books. Truth be told, so do my girls. My younger son is really looking forward to reading her new book, and he's already made me promise that we will be at Borders that day to buy it.

By the title, I'm guessing it's about werewolves. That just thrills me! I find them fascinating on so many levels. I've been trying to figure out why I like them so much, and I think I've finally got it. I have a werewolf that lives inside of me too. Robin alluded to this on her blog the other day, and I totally believe her.

I have a deep dark part of me that tries to escape sometimes. It doesn't take a full moon to bring this monster to the surface though. Sometimes all it takes is a look, a comment, a tone of voice, an unintentional slight, and this monster starts to RAGE. It scares me.

I see it most with my kids and my husband. I think with most strangers, I keep this beast hidden. I'm afraid to let people see this beast, lest I terrify them. Or worse, they might not like it at all, and that would mean that they don't like ME. So I keep my beast well hidden most of the time. But my family can trigger that beast, and sometimes I think they do it on purpose. There are times when I lose control and say or do things that I would never normally say or do. I lose my temper, yell and scream, sometimes even throw things (though not actually AT anyone). In the aftermath, I always apologize, and they usually bask in my guilt for at least a day.

That's why I LOVE the werewolf stories. When that moon breaks and those beasts are unleashed, they don't have to be apologetic come dawn. I mean, they is who they is, right? They can't stop their transition any more than I can stop the earth from turning. The beast is IN them, waiting to be unleashed. The beast is not only IN them, it IS them. It is a part of who they are, at the most basic and elemental level.

See why I can't wait for Robin's new book? I already know I'm getting it, and I know (from reading her other books) that it will be amazing. If you want a free, signed copy, skip on over here and enter the contest. Who knows? Maybe you will discover that you like werewolves too. Maybe you'll even discover the beast within yourself.


Chari-Dee said...

Okay, mines up on the book blog. every one go read it and then post a better one!!!

Chari-Dee said...

SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Check it out!! Our first honest to goodness entry is up!!!!!!!! Hopefully more to come.

PTO has been kicking my butt the last few days, so I've been MIA. Things are gettin nutso over in my neck of the woods with enrollment and Fair and Rodeo getting ready to kick off.


Robin L said...

Dee, your post was wonderful and really said so much of what I wanted the subtext of my book to say!

rssasrb said...

Hi Dee. Sorry don't know how else to contact you. I'm going to NJRW.

Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

Dee, I can't believe a lovley little person like you could have a beast. You mean you yell at your kids and DH, shame on you. I would never have done anything like that, nope never. Oh Oh here comes the lightning. /,D

Missed you on the blog. You are working too hard.

RObin S is coming to NJ too. That's great. We will have a lot of fun.

Michelle said...

I made peace with my inner beast a long time ago. She keeps me from being a complete people pleasure and driving myself bonkers. My family and friends have even given my alter ego her own name . . . Mitch. We like to laugh at our own craziness, b/c that's wha really keeps us sane and "normal".