Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Oooooohhhh, new baby!

Ok, this is gonna be really short, because I am totally beat down. And even though I am supposed to be working on my WIP, I just don't have the energy to sit here and type. How patheric is that?

But I did want to share the new pic I got of my gorgeous nephew today. My husband's brother's wife gave birth back in April. This is a picture of their almost 3 month old son, Colin. Is he not the most darling child you've ever seen? Well, besides my own, of course. And Kel's. And Char's. Ok, maybe not THE most darling, but let's face it- he's pretty darn close.

I'm not all that close with his parents. Part of this is because we live in Virginia and they live in Ohio. Part of it is because I was never the ideal DIL, nor was I in any way the person that any of them envisioned for Shane. Part of it is because my family has a VERY different way of doing things than theirs, and we don't quite understand each other. And part of it is because I have a very hard time doing the forgive and forget thing when I feel like someone has wronged my kids.

Yeah, lots of parts to that family drama. And most of them are not pretty. Well, to be honest, most of them are just plain ugly. And a lot of the blame lies with me, because I'm not the type of person to forget things, UNLESS someone admits their mistakes and asks for forgiveness. I am a firm believer in owning up to your mistakes, and taking responsibility for your actions. It's a hard thing to do, especially for me. But I just feel like if people really want to move forward, they have to reconcile the past first. Part of that is admitting fault, and asking forgiveness. I can do this, and have in the past. If others don't, I tend to not lean towards the whole be-the-bigger-person thing, but go in the opposite direction. More towards I-know-you-probably-don't-give-a-rat's-ass-but-I'm-not-forgiving-you-until-you- admit-you-were-wrong-and-apologize.
Yeah, real big of me, huh? So now you know how petty I can be. Still like me?

Anyhow, despite not being close to Colin's parents for reasons that are probably fuzzy to you, I really can't wait to meet this child. My own brother has a daughter, and I adore the snot that comes out of her nose, if you know what I mean. I couldn't imagine feeling that way about Colin though. But guess what? I am all-over excited about being an aunt to him.

So join me in welcoming the little bugger to the family, won't you? Go ahead, you can oooh and aaah now. He deserves it!


JT said...

Oh, what a cutie!

Chari-Dee said...

I just love me sme baby pictures! Ooooh & Ahhhhhh. Giving him a cyber (((((squeeze)))))) What a darling.

I don't think you sound petty at all. I feel the same way about things.



Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

OOOH, AAAAH He really is a cutie pie.

I hope your relationship with his parents is not going to prevent you from having time with him. That would be a shame.

I have always thought that holding resentment for something only hurts you but I know there are certain things I find hard to forgive and forget...and yes they do hurt me but some things are not forgivable.

Just think happy thoughts Dee. You are a lovely person.
