Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's a brand new day! Ugh! I'm overbooked!

This week is so crazy for me, as some of you already know. I'm going to take a few short minutes to fill you in on stuff today.

- I've been a book-writing*** fiend lately. I've just been consumed by my muse, and am taking this wonderful and totally unexpected burst of inspiration for all it's worth. I have no idea how long it will last, or what I'll be left with when it's over. For now, I'm thankful.

- I've been a blogging fiend lately. As some of you have noticed, I've been posting a lot. I personally committed myself, months ago, to doing a month-long blogging extravaganza. I picked May as the month because I could give it a catchy title, "a blog a day in the month of May". I was NOT planning on having the writing bug hit me. I was not thinking that this was the one month of the entire year that was chock-full of travel. Basically, I just was NOT thinking. But I am blogging. So, there's that.

- I have been a reading slacker. I've bought books. I've picked books up. I've even tried to start reading no less than a dozen books, from various genres. I just can't seem to get into any of them. This is tough, because reading has always been my strongest passion, next to my God and my family, and it's a little weird for me not to read at least one book per day, usually having about 4 or 5 going at the same time.

- Due to not reading, I've also been a reviewing slacker. What can I say? I can't review books*** if I can't read them. Thankfully, Charity*** has been keeping the review site*** going, and hasn't even threatened to kill me. Yet.

- I'm in the middle of wedding plans. Not my own, of course. My wonderful sister (in-law), Heather, is finally marrying her long-time sweetheart, Andy. Their wedding is taking place this Saturday. My two babies will be flower girls, and The Man and I will be attendants. So, I've been to the bridal store no less than 4 times in the past few weeks, picking up, picking out, exchanging dresses for the big event. I finally have 4 dresses, one for each of my girls. I'm hoping that the seamstress gets done with mine in time. It was promised last week. It's still not here. Shhh, don't tell Heather. She doesn't need the stress.

- Directly from the wedding (in Ohio), we are traveling to see my Grams (in OK). I'm very excited about this trip, since I haven't seen her since December of 05, and half the fam hasn't seen her since December 04. She's requested 2 bottles of wine. Anyone know the law about taking alcohol across state lines? Am I going to be a fugitive?

- During the travels, I have set dates to meet some of my IFFs (Imaginary Internet Friends) all over the Eastern part of the country. I'm hoping to meet Bryan*** and Cathy in IN, Marcia in OK, and CMS*** in Memphis (Don't even ask why the Crazy Canadian will be in TN, ok?). I also get to spend time with Charity***. We're taking all of the kids to see Pirates III on opening day, in Tulsa. If you're in the area, why don't you join us?!?

- I may be getting transferred to a different store. I actually have a phone interview today with a GM of another restaurant. I've already talked to my GM, and the DM, and I'm possibly moving up to Northern Virginia to be an ETC (Employee Training Coordinator). This is a great opportunity for me, and I love to train, so that's good. However, it is full time, 40 hours a week. The salary is decent, and the benefits are nice. I'm just not sure how a homeschooling mom of six, who writes all the time, is going to manage a full time job. Don't tell my husband, but I'm more than a little nervous, ok?

That about catches you up on everything. As you can see, I've got my hands full this month. Ad this is the month I decided to blog every day. Though I've done it so far, I don't hold out hope that it will continue past Thursday. We travel on Thursday night, and I have no idea what the internet status will be in the many places I'll be spending the rest of the month. Maybe I'll sneak into a Panera Bread. Who knows.

Oh, and be sure to catch the series finale of GILMORE GIRLS tonight. It's going to be An Event at our house.

So tell me, what's on your calendar?

***PS - you can find all of the links for these wonderful people over in my sidebar. What are you waiting for? go check out their blogs too. If they are fun enough for me to visit, they are fun enough for you to read! Note: Excerpts from my current book, Almost Southern, can be found on the sidebar as well. Enjoy!


amy said...

Dude, you are busy. :) But, you know, it's hard to do it ALL, so I wouldn't call you a slacker. I don't knit much when I'm writing a lot, and vice versa, and if I read less, I'd get more of EVERYTHING done. Only so many hours...

And yup, I'll be watching the Girls tonight. (not writing. But I can knit & watch...)

Keziah Fenton said...

I'm trying to post more regularly on my own blog so that some people don't yell at me :) I'm also writing more than I have been in the recent past, trying to get yard work and home renovations done before I got to Memphis, Baybee(I don't know, it just sounds better that way, not really) Oh yeah, and make plans to visit with Bryan on the way down and some crazy Virginian while I'm there. Did you maybe want to discuss those details before Thursday? ;)

Michelle said...

Wow, sounds like a lot of crazy fun! Congrats on the possible promotion. I KNOW I couldn't handle all of that with a FT job, but then again, I couldn't even handle one kid and a FT job. Yep, I'm a wuss, but a much happier wuss now that I've acknowledged my wussiness.

Michelle said...

Wait, forgot to tell you what was on my calendar. Nothing. Well, a little work at the music school over the next few days. I'm finished a couple of freelance projects and I have all the time in the world to write, but I'm not. I think part of it is I'm not getting that people stimulus like you talked about at the place you like to hang out at. That's usually a big inspiration for me, so I guess my plans need to include getting out of the house more, but that's just not going to happen right now. I have an excuse, really . . . but *shhhh* it's a secret.