Saturday, May 05, 2007

Random weirdness

I was up most of the night. We had a slumber party for my baby. She is turning the age that is one older than five. I can not say the age, because it is an old age. And I am just not old enough to have my baby, my very last child to jump from my womb, be that one year that is older than five. So. Instead, we all pretended that she was going to be the good age, the FIVE age, again. She even pretended with me, for about as long as it took for her to realize that she'd have one less candle. Which means, I stayed in my little dreamworld, where my beautiful youngest child is NOT turning a number that is bigger than the amount of digits she has on one hand, and SHE, darling child that she is, put that big number right in the middle of her cake, but told me to cover my eyes. She did, however, offer to stay the FIVE number for another year. All I have to do is give her her very own Television and Playstation. As. If.

I put up a scene from my current WIP, right here on this very blog. Did you miss it? Well, just scroll down. It's pretty much the opening scene. It was one of those off-the-cuff, what would happen if I did this instead of that, things. In the original version, it does not open at a funeral, nor is there a grandmother even mentioned. That just happened last week, actually. I literally woke up in the middle of the night and knew that it had to be changed. The central theme of the story is going to be the same, but the motivation for Glory is totally different, much more real, much less contrived. I like it better this way. Hopefully, you'll agree.

I've decided to put up a small scene every week. I think I'm going to do this on Thursday. They will not be in any order. They may not even really make sense. It is just going to be me showing you that I am writing something. You may comment, lavish me with praise *grin*, or tell me it sucks. However, if you tell me it sucks, you better darn well add your name, and a way for me to get in touch with you. Because I'm going to want to know specifics. That doesn't mean to just tell me it's ok, especially if you think it sucks. This is supposed to be a writing blog, right? So if it sucks, tell me why.

Have any of you noticed anything so far this month? About this blog? I'm trying something new. I'll tell you about it at the end of the month. We'll see how it goes.

Finally - It's CINCO DE MAYO today. I remember years gone by when, as a child, my mother would take us to Olivera Street in LA. They had these huge festivals every year. It was so much fun. The food...oh, the food. Now, of course, I'd be heading for a booth that sold margaritas. Because really, what's more CINCO DE MAYOish than margaritas? Nothing! That's right, nothing at all. Grab yourself some decent Mexican food, and I don't mean for you to make a run for the Border, ok? Grab some friends, gather round and pour out a few "rocks, lotsa salt" type drinks, and ENJOY!!

Just remember - Friends don't let friends blog drunk. Or something like that. So be careful out there today, ok?


amy said...

I was nearly in tears when my youngest turned 2, because by the time my first turned 2, I was pregnant again. Now the youngest is almost 3, and I'm still not pregnant, and might not ever get to be. It's tough when the little one just keeps getting bigger.

I noticed YOU are blogging every day. :)

Michelle said...

Oh Dee, you are a brave woman having a slumber party for a group of one-year-older-than-five year olds! You deserve those margaritas! (My FAV drink, by the way.)

Anonymous said...

I noticed that I didn't stop by for a few days (because usually you post only every few days) and all the sudden there are LOTS of posts. Are you blogging every day no matter what?

I shall have to come back when I have a long quiet moment and read through, particularly your book excerpt you posted.

Happy Birthday to your baby!!