Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day One, Part the second

Still here. Yeah, I know, like I'd leave, right? We (whenever I say "we" I will be speaking of RSS, Kathy and myself) had drinks at the top of the Reunion Tower. We sat there through the entire hour-long rotation, soaking in the sights of Dallas and meeting a new friend from this area. See that pic? Isn't it stunning?

After drinks, we headed outside so I could pollute my lungs. While there, we ran into Victoria Alexander, and had an amusing conversation about how she kills her husband, Charles, in every one of her books.

We've met a variety of people so far, and the conference hasn't even "officially" started yet. As most of you told me, the people are warm and friendly, and I doubt it has much to do with the actual temperature outside. Again, like last year at the NJRW Conference, I feel very blessed to be among a group of writers that are not only gracious but very giving.

Truly, my cup runneth over.

1 comment:

Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

And just think how many are truly blessed to have met you! Next year,after your book is published, some woman is going to be having a scree moment about meeting you.

Have fun. Enjoy it all. Give my love to Robin. Tell her I am looking forward to seeing her in New Jersey.