Thursday, June 08, 2006

*Ping*! Inspiration strikes, just like that!

Here's the deal. I'm just warning you guys, ok? If I'm lucky, you may not see me around here for a few days.

Now, don't get all out of sorts on me. It's a good thing.

I had lunch with a friend today. I see her every month or so. We bought her house, our farm, back in November. She moved to southern Virginia with her family. We try to meet every time she comes up to Richmond for a doctor's appointment. Our last "lunch" turned into me renting a hotel room, because there was just no way I was letting her get back on the road after all of the liquids she'd consumed. We kind of drank that last lunch, if you know what I mean.

Today was not quite that bad. It was only a two margarita lunch. Now I'm on my second glass of wine at home, and feeling rather warm. Here's why.

On the way home, I started thinking about our talks. Basically, I'm her only friend. I have other friends, obviously. There's Kelly, of course. And Kim. And Dana. But for her, there's really just me. So we meet in Richmond once a month or so, at the same restaurant, and spend a few hours trying to solve the problems of the world. Do you have friends like that? Ones that you can say anything to, without being afraid of what they will think about you? If not, I seriously suggest that you get one of those fast. Maybe try e-bay. You can get almost anything there.

Anyhow, on the drive home... a new story formed in my head. I know, I know, I'm not even finished with the other one, and that crazy lady is still screaming at me all the damn time. But this new one... it just popped in there. It had a plot already. And characters. And conflict. And direction. And now I've got more voices, and they're all trying to scream over each other to be heard.

So I came straight home and started in at my keyboard. I opened up a fresh page, totally blank, and just started getting the stuff out of my head. And before I realized it, I had almost 10 pages. Ten. Full. Pages. And it's still coming. I just had to stop to blog. Well, really, it was to re-fill my wineglass. Is there some rule about drinking Lambrusco and writing? I sure hope not.

I figure I need to get this stuff out while it's still making sense to me. I'm just planning on writing till the Girls stop talking. Then I'll go back and make it make sense. Does that sound crazy? I just can't stop to make sure it's all good right now. I feel like I really need to get this out, while it's all fresh up there.

Just wanted to let you guys know, just in case I disappear for a bit. It's nothing bad. It's actually very good. I haven't felt this way in a very long time. So now, I'm getting back to my brand-new story.

Char, let me know when you're ready for this very rough first chapter, ok? Because I really want to know what you think.

Everyone else... just send me happy vibes. And another few bottles of Lambrusco. This could take a while.


Cherry Red said...

I figure I need to get this stuff out while it's still making sense to me. I'm just planning on writing till the Girls stop talking. Then I'll go back and make it make sense. Does that sound crazy?

Not at all. That's what Crusie calls the Don't Look Down Draft (or Anne Lamott calls the shi*ty first draft.) Get is down, don't look down, let the girls go crazy. Later when you go back and hash it out, you'll see that the Girs really do know what they're doing.

I just can't stop to make sure it's all good right now. I feel like I really need to get this out, while it's all fresh up there.

As well you should. Congratualtions on your inspiration. Write away and let us know how you did when you come back.


Wigged Out said...

This is not crazy at all, Dee! It's called a freebie, or a gimme. Which means ride this puppy for as long as you can because it doesn't come this easy that often!!

Lucky you!

Chari-Dee said...

Dee, that is great!!!! I am so glad you found a spurt of inspiration! Use it baby, and don't stop until it dries up (crossing my fingers it never dries up).

Although, you can surely find 30 minutes for a break and blog for us your loyal readers! Pretty PLEASE!

JT said...

Hi Dee - Just saw you post on my blog. Anyway, what would you like to know? I started by joining my local RWA group and they helped me. I bought the writer's market book and looked up agents and publishers, check them out on line, found out what they were looking for, how to submit to them and so on. I also entered some contests for feedback, which is how I ended up with this last request, the editor liked the chapter and asked to see the whole book. Hope that helps, but go ahead and ask away.

Sheri said...

Hey Dee--I do the same thing. Butt in chair, head down, pounding the keyboard... Have to not worry about it making sense. It will all come together in the end. Just go with it. I'm there with ya, baby!!