Monday, May 08, 2006

Accountability Partners

I was over at Cherry Red's site, Writerly Ramblings. You can go there from here, I've linked her. Hope that's ok with her, as I did it without asking. Actually, it was mostly for me. I like her site, and Kelly's and Lorraine's. So I just linked them all. I figured if I enjoyed them, then you might also. ANYWHOOO, over at CRs blog, she's talking about making a schedule to get things done, and she has this daily list. It looks really cool. SO i'm thinking that I want to try something like that.

Here's the deal. I'm a wimp. I really am. I never get stuff done. My house is always a wreck. Well, it's not nasty, nothing like that. But it's always cluttered. My kitchen gets cleaned once a day. My floors get swept and mopped once a day. My tv room gets cleaned once a day. My bedroom gets cleaned once a month, but don't tell my kids that. They'd kill me! With six kids that are all home all day, my cleaning schedule means that my house is never filthy, but is usually very disorganized. I'm just not one of those moms that follows along behind them all day and makes them put things away. I'm more of a "You know what it has to look like when Dad walks through the door, so don't let me down". And generally, they don't. So I stay off their cases during the day, unless I find a huge mess somewhere. Our yard always has toys all over it, which doesn't matter because you can't see it from the road. There are normally dishes in my sink, unless it is late at night. I do the final loading after they are all in bed. There is always a load of laundry that needs to be folded. I've passed that chore on to Gret, and she manages about 2-3 loads a day.

Still though, there are things that I want to get done around here. But I know me, and I'll put them off each day so that I can write, or blog, or read. I do my normal stuff, cooking, cleaning, etc. But any extras get pushed aside. UNLESS I have someone that will check up on me and ask me if I've done something. This worked so well for me when I was doing Body For Life. Kim called me every day, asked what I'd eaten, what I'd done for exercise. I did the same for her. We wouldn't lie to each other. Somehow though, telling her that I hadn't run my 2 miles, or that I had a chocolate bar, just was not an option. I wouldn't lie to her, so I did what I was supposed to do, and told her the truth with a clear conscience. I need someone like that again. Will you guys help??

Here are my goals for the week:
Monday- fold all laundry in tv room, and get it put away; spend one hour on my WIP
Tuesday- clean my bathroom, spend one hour on my WIP
Wednesday- CLEAN OFF MY DESK, no time on WIP, as desk will take up every spare second
Thursday- Take off cabinets in kitchen, so new fridge will fit, one hour on WIP
Friday- Unpack metal box of breakables that has been sitting in my dining room for 6 months, 1 hour on WIP

There. That's not tough, right? There really isn't too much on that list. Those are just a few things that I want to accomplish this week. Things that I have been meaning to do for weeks, or months really. But I just let days slip away from me, and then feel guilty... Well, it ends today. I'm going to make sure that the laundry gets folded and put away. I will spend at least one hour on my computer NOT BLOGGING, working on my WIP.

Someone, make sure to check on me later, ok? This could get ugly. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress!


Cherry Red said...

Thanks for linking me. I linked you too. As well as Lorraine and my other pals' blogs. I never asked, I just did it. :)

I'll be one of your partners. I've found that the only way for me to ever get anything done is to do what I call "scheduling myself." To be honest, I don't like being "scheduled." I fight it a little (probably why I don't pre-plot my novels) but if the schedule is nice and loose like the ones you and I both posted, I can usually stick to it.

Last week I was inspired. I actually made a spreadsheet that listed each hour I had after work and before bed each night and I filled it all in. Then I looked at it and I was reduced to a bratty 5 year old. I wanted to scream, "I won't do that. You can't make me." but there wasn't anyone to scream at but myself. So I ripped it up and got waaaay simpler with the little list. I think it'll work for me.

Anything to avoid digressing into that bratty 5 year old. Very serious only child here. I am far less mature at 37 than I was when I was 5... unless someone tells me I have to plot my novel or put myself on a spreadsheet schedule.

Good luck with your list of the week. Please let's not call it a schedule, ok? ;)


dee said...

thanks! It is NOT a schedule, but only a suggestion list for me. I totally CRINGE at the thought of schedules. That's probably why we un-school instead of traditional homeschooling. The "real" way just seems so stifling. I fight just about anything that resembles a schedule too, that's why it was really hard for me to stick to BFL in a strict sense. When I got flexible, and tailored it more to me, it worked really well. I think it's just the hippy-wanna-be in me that fights any type of authority, even when that authority is ME.

Cherry Red said...

This is so funny. Most people I know who have kids are very tightly scheduled. If course, most of it has to do with school/extracurricular school activities. It's one huge reason why I don't have kids. I just don't want to lose my go-with-the-flow lifestyle. It would really stress me out. Seems like you found the best of both worlds in homeschooling.

You know why I;m here, though, right? I'm here to ask you if you completed your Monday items. I did. I hope you did too. If not, tomorrow's another day. :)

Wigged Out said...

Have you thought at all about writing AWAY from your computer? Just to get away from the distracting siren call of the internet and all the lovely ways to procrastinate?

I use an alpha smart a lot (cheap little keyboard thing - a poorman's laptop, I call it) when I want to pound out draft pages and I keep letting myself get distracted on the computer.

I also like to do my pages by hand with a really great pen just on paper. Especially "hard" scenes or emotional scenes. For some odd reason it lets me feel like I'm getting closer to the characters.

But you might consider doing some writing away from the computer if you find you're having trouble staying focused on that WIP.

So sayeth the voice of (procrastinating) experience.