Friday, May 05, 2006

Cherry shoes

This is a throwback to the Vegas weekend. I was just over at Kel's blog. Yep, after seeing me blogging all weekend, and checking HW/SW, she decided to create her own. That, of course, was part of my plan all along. now if i could just get her to read a Crusie, all would be well with the world.

I've already created my own little Crusie fan club right here in central Virginia. I've loaned my second copies out to at least three women, and they keep coming back for more. Then there's Dana, who not only loves the Crusies, but has also embraced the Cherries. No, she doesn't go on the site yet, she's on dial-up so it's hard for her to get online. But she did make a trip to Claire's recently, and came back with LOADS of Cherry stuff for us both. She even got me some cherries to hang from my van mirror. And she's now sporting the most adorable little cherry anklet!

So my mission in Vegas was to find a pair of shoes like the ones of the cover of Bet Me. I figured that if I could find them anywhere, I'd find them in Vegas. I dragged Kel into every shoe store that we passed. We even hit the Jimmy Choo's in Caesar's. Do you know that we found no shoes with cherries on them in the whole city the first few days we looked. Finally, we hit paydirt in our very own hotel. Who'da thunk to look there? DUH! I found these adorable orange heeled shoes, with fruit on them. There are at least 4 cherries on each shoe. They're made of wood, with skid stuff on the bottom. No, they're not like Min's beautiful ones, but hey, this was Vegas!

I bought them a smaller size so that Gret won't steal them. Gret loves orange. She has everything orange she can get her hands on. I almost bought the same shoes in brown, but the orange ones were so much cuter! I had to take the chance that the size would deter that shoe-snatching teenager of mine. Naturally, when i got home, those were the first things she pulled out of my bag, and tried to take them. She didn't even mind they were a little small for her. I've caught her, at least twice, wearing them around the house. I know I'll have to hide them when Kel comes to visit, but I really hoped they'd be safe until then. See, Dana's feet are smaller than mine, and Gret's are bigger. I thought for sure I was safe. Now, I'm not so sure.

How do you keep your favorite shoes out of the clutches of cherry-snatching wenches?


dee said...

I'm working on a photo. I seem to have lost the cord for my digi-cam. May have to resort to the photo thingie on my cam-corder.
I would LOVE to have photos of those shoes. I have recently become a shoe addict, and am liking the funkier stuff. It's all very odd for Gret, as I've always been so NORMAL. Now, just when she's ready to turn 14, I turn into a shoe freak. Luckily, we wear about the same size, so she doesn't hate it at all.
Send them to
Thanks, G-G!!

Cherry Red said...

My favorite cherry shoes (I have espadrilles, flip flops and platforms) are my TUK peeptoe slingback platforms. They are SO CUTE. Even Jenny appreciated them in Reno when I wore them for the Cherry Party.

I'm trying to hold myself back. I just saw them on e-bay in pink (not in my size, but now I know they're out there). Mine are black with red cherries and red piping. Search for TUK and you'll see them. Pink TUK slingback platforms with red piping and red cherries. ::sigh::

Kel~ said...

I will at least get to borrow them right? I have a ton of more clothes for you...some that will look quite fetching with your new cherry shoes...